Universal payment acceptance

Let customers pay using card, ACH or physical check and receive funds directly in your bank account

Trusted by businesses in brick & mortar industries

Chase new business, not payments

Take the manual work out of getting paid. Collect card, ACH and check payments without requesting an authorization form or making a bank run.

Branded Payment Links

Accept payments online, without an eCommerce storefront. Create a link in seconds and share it via text, email, social media or your website

Pay with One Click

Let customers securely save their payment information and pay with one click. Customers don’t need to create a Nickel account

Deposit checks without bank runs

Capture, track and deposit check payments in seconds. Add permissions and approvals to supercharge your deposit workflow

Handle more credit cards without the added cost

Choose whether you or your customers cover the cost of credit cards. Nickel automatically calculates and applies the fees compliantly

Let customers pay in 60 days.
Get paid in one

Offer net terms to buyers and get paid upfront, without the risk. Customers enjoy high approval rates on transactions up to $250,000

Replace countless spreadsheets with headache free reconciliation

Stay on top of every transaction with live tracking and always know where your money is. Nickel takes the guesswork out of reconciliation

One for One Settlement

Every transaction is settled individually with your bank. So you never have to download and match a batch payment report

Transparent payment tracking

Get real time transaction updates so you and your team always know where your funds are

Native Quickbooks Integration

Automatically import Quickbooks invoices to Nickel. When it’s paid, your QuickBooks account is automatically updated with the details

How Chicago Brass consolidated customer payments across showrooms in 3 states

"We used to manually take payments using credit card authorization forms and waiting on physical checks to come in.

Now, we do everything on Nickel and see funds land in our account 5 - 10 days faster"
Peter Schnakenberg
CEO, Chicago Brass

Start collecting payments today

Save time and money accepting payments from 14,000+ financial institutions. Get started ->

Import or upload your invoices

Generate a secure payment link

Share it via email or text message

Get paid and keep records in sync

Make every Nickel count

Join more than 1,000 businesses on Nickel